Comprehensive Hearing Assessments

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Hearing assessment with Marcie

When Was Your Last Hearing Test?

When was the last time you had a yearly physical, a dental check-up, or a blood pressure test? For most, it’s within the last 12 months. But if I were to ask you when you last had a hearing test, the answer for many would be “never.”

The statistics around hearing loss in the US are worsening. This is true among industrial workers now reaching retirement, along with younger generations who are listening to more loud music than ever before.

The challenge with hearing loss is that it’s very gradual and you don’t often realize what you’re missing. Instead, it’s usually the people around us that first notice a difference in the way you’re interacting with others.

If you’ve noticed signs of hearing loss or know of someone who has, the most important first step is to schedule a hearing assessment.

It’s quick, pain free, and you’ll receive the results in an instant. If we don’t find a hearing loss, you’ll have a baseline that we can use in the future. But if your results reveal an issue, we can provide the best possible solution.

What Happens at a Hearing Assessment?

#1 – A Friendly Welcome

You will be greeted and asked to complete some simple paperwork in the comfort of our waiting room with a fresh cup of coffee or cold drink.

#2 – You’ll Be Invited to a Private Room with Your Audiologist

Whether it’s Randi or me, you’ll be invited for a private discussion so we can understand the reasons why you’re visiting us and learn more about you.

#3 – Enter the Sound Booth

You will then be invited to enter our sound booth, a room where your hearing assessment will be conducted. We will present a range of tones and speech to you through headphones and you will simply press a button when you hear the tone, and repeat a few words back to us. 

#4 – Your Results

You will then be invited back to a private room to review your results. If a hearing loss is discovered, we’ll discuss your options and offer advice on what the best steps are going forward.

Book A Hearing Assessment

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Request a Callback

Whether you have a question, a concern or would like to speak to me to discuss any challenges that you may be facing, then I am here for you.

There is no such thing as a silly question.

Simply complete this form and when I’m available between appointments, I’ll call you back for a friendly no-obligation conversation.

Don’t want to wait? Call us at:
Bowie, MD 301-860-1124
Southern Maryland 410-535-0024
Waldorf, MD 410-535-0024
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