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What Do Patients Say About Partnering with Jacobs Audiology?

‘Sounds were given back to me in an instant’
“It’s ironic that when you have a hearing loss, you’re probably the last to know – or I should say, accept it,” says Clement, cracking a wry smile.
For years, his wife and children had pestered him about going to have a hearing test. But he didn’t feel it was necessary. Instead, he preferred to turn up the volume on his television and ask others to repeat themselves.
“Denial was a big factor,” he remembers. “When I was growing up, if you saw someone with hearing aids, people thought there was something wrong with them. And then I suddenly found myself in their position.”
Clement’s worries eased as soon as he visited Jacobs Audiology. “It was so inviting there,” he says, thinking back to when he first stepped inside the Bowie office five years ago.
“It was like they were saying, ‘We got you, you’re going to be fine,’ without having to speak the words. That’s the kind of atmosphere I walked into.”
This feeling continued throughout his initial tests. In particular, he remembers the center’s founder, Marcie Jacobs, being enthusiastic for his future.
“She said things like, ‘You’re going to be so excited; you’re going to be amazed” Clement recalls. “And she would say it with that sense of reassurance – it was from the heart.”
Later, Clement found Marcie’s exuberance was justified. He couldn’t believe the difference to his life following his hearing aid fitting.
“I remember walking outside to my car and just looking up at the sky,” he says.
“Someone would have probably thought I was crazy, but I was looking up because I could finally hear birds – the chirping and all that, which I’d forgotten.
“I’d really missed those sounds, and they were all given back to me in an instant.”
Five years on, Clement goes back for period check-ups with Marcie, who has remained his sole hearing care specialist from the start.
“Sometimes I may have to damage my hearing aids on purpose just to go talk to her,” he says with a chuckle.
“We have that kind of relationship where she’s only a call or text message away. And with the new technology and app, if I have any questions on settings or downloading software, she’s very responsive.”
Besides its expert hearing care service, the culture that Marcie creates at Jacobs Audiology is one of the main reasons why he’d recommend others to visit its Bowie or Lexington Park locations.
“Marcie really cares about each of her patients having the best quality of life,” he explains. “I call her my ‘rock star.’ She’s a wonderful lady and she’s got a wonderful spirit for giving. We need more Marcie Jacobs’ in the world!”
- Clement

‘I suddenly realized what I was missing’
Like many kids, Joe developed a love of music from an early age. “I play guitar, and I’ve played for years – mostly too loud when I was younger,” he admits with a grin.
He enrolled in the military after high school as a linguist. That’s when he learned he had damaged hearing.
“They give you a hearing test when you enlist,” he explains. “I found out then I had a high-frequency loss from playing in bands.”
Over the years, his line of work exacerbated this issue. “I spent all my days listening to conversations through headphones. But sometimes lightning would hit the antenna, and it would just blow up in your ears.
“It got to the point where I couldn’t really hear people talking, especially women’s voices which are affected most by high-frequency hearing loss.”
Leaving his post to become an IT expert, Joe turned to Marcie Jacobs, founder of Jacobs Audiology, to help him with his problem.
“She was really technologically savvy,” he remembers. “So she was able to say, ‘Okay, this is the nature of your hearing loss and here are your options.’ That meant I could tailor a product to what I really needed.”
“She also completely focusses on you when you’re talking to her,” he adds. “She had answers to all my questions.”
After his hearing aid fitting, his world changed overnight. “Everything sounded really vibrant – it was like my mind wasn’t wired for that anymore,” he says.
But the real breakthrough came when he started listening back to his old record collection. “I’d put on something I’d heard when I was much younger and suddenly realize what I had been missing!” he says.
“When you hear The Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, and you can hear all the parts, it’s like: ‘I didn’t know that was there! Wow, Lennon can play!’”
Over the following six years, Joe has used the remote assist feature on his ReSound Smart 3D app to tell Marcie exactly what he needs from his devices.
“I can say, ‘look, I’m not hearing bass enough or I’m not hearing treble enough,’ and she can put another program through,” he says. “I need a setting for my music so I can hear it like everybody else does.”
“Restaurants are sheer hell for anybody with a hearing loss,” he adds. “But she was able to tailor a program so I could actually hear people talk. She also created one for the car, which really clamped down on external noise.”
What would he say to someone who’s worried about a hearing loss now? “Just go see Marcie, and whatever your budget, she’ll find the right hearing aid for you,” he says.
“Also, don’t wait as long as I did. You’ll be surprised at the difference it makes going to a professional who knows how to analyze exactly what your hearing loss needs.”
- Joe

‘There’s a stigma around hearing loss at my age’
SaWan found out she had a hearing loss in her late twenties. She was flying to Italy for work, but once she landed, both her eardrums had ruptured.
“I got treated overseas, but there wasn’t much they could do for me,” she says. “And then I made matters worse because I had to fly back home before my ears were fully healed.”
Soon, other hearing loss symptoms began to appear. When she found out she’d need hearing aids for the rest of her life, it was hard to handle.
“To lose your hearing at my age has a stigma attached to it,” she says. “People see you wearing hearing aids, and they either make fun of you or they treat you differently.”
Over the years, she invested in hearing aid technology from Miracle Ear and Costco. “Those experiences were a disaster,” she says. “I paid too much money for hearing aids that didn’t improve my hearing situation, and in some cases, I couldn’t hear anything out of the devices.
“But it actually prompted me to seek out a speech and language specialist to determine if my hearing aids were properly fitted.”
Marcie Jacobs, founder of Jacobs Audiology, was the first person within the hearing care profession who made a real difference to her situation.
“She didn’t steer me to the most expensive products, and she didn’t steer me to the least expensive,” SaWan says.
“She just said, ‘This pair isn’t going to break your budget, but it’s going to give you the very best in terms of bringing your hearing up to where you need it to be.’”
Marcie also worked hard to dispel some of the concerns SaWan had internalized about wearing hearing technology.
“She was the first to help me see that having hearing aids is the same as wearing glasses,” SaWan says. “She’s just kindness personified.”
SaWan’s life changed for the better after she was fitted with this new technology.
“There’s so much you miss out on,” she says. “You don’t really hear music, voices, or follow conversations well – really, some of the most beautiful things that make life worth living. Hearing aids have given me the ability to have these experiences again.”
The time SaWan spent before seeking a specialist sometimes plays on her mind, especially when she thinks back to how it affected her master’s degree and Ph.D. studies at university.
“I often say to my sister, ‘How much faster would I have gotten through school if I wasn’t struggling to hear the professor?’” she says.
“To anyone my age, younger or older, just forget the stigma. Go get it taken care of, recapture your life so you can do everything you would as if you had great hearing.”
Even so, for SaWan, there’s only one person who will be in charge of her hearing for the foreseeable future.
“I live in a completely different state now, but I would never go to another audiologist,” she says. “I will always go back to Maryland just to interface with Marcie.”
- SaWan

‘You don’t miss it because you don’t hear it’
Most people find out that they have a hearing loss as they get older. But Karen is part of the small minority who are diagnosed with an issue from an early age.
“I was born half deaf, so I’ve always had a problem,” she says.
A surgical procedure helped her initially. But over the years, her close family still felt she needed further assistance.
“My daughters and husband would tell me ‘You really need to have your hearing tested,’” she says.
“You don’t miss it because you don’t hear it, but it becomes annoying to your family.”
Like a lot of people, she was worried about the cost of hearing aid technology.
But as her condition worsened, she found out her insurance company would step in and cover a large portion of her investment in new devices, making them affordable.
When she met Marcie Jacobs for the first time, they clicked instantly.
“She was just wonderful, professional, empathetic, and caring,” Karen says. “And clearly very concerned about each of her patients.”
Marcie fitted Karen with hearing aids in May 2012. These devices completely changed her experience of the world.
“It’s amazing because if I have my hearing aids in, I can hear. And if I don’t have them in, then I can’t,” she says.
Over the years, Karen hasn’t just embraced the basic capabilities of her hearing aids; she’s also explored the apps and features that they can support.
“I have an iPhone, along with the ReSound Smart 3D app, and Marcie can tweak my hearing aids, using that, from her office,” she says.
“I also love the fact that I can use them to listen to my music – either on Amazon or iTunes.” This is in addition to another app that lets her stream TV channels via her Wi-Fi.
Karen has an identical twin who also began to experience hearing difficulties later in life. Now, both siblings arrange separate check-ups with Marcie when it suits their convenience.
But this isn’t the only person that Karen has reached out to about Jacobs Audiology.
“I’ve recommended Marcie to several people,” she says.
“Most of them have said, ‘My family gives me a hard time about not being able to hear.’ And I tell them, ‘Just go see Marcie!’”
- Karen

‘It was a struggle!’
Danayjah began showing signs of a hearing loss back in elementary school.
“I kept saying ‘Huh?’ or ‘What did you say?’ or I didn’t hear people when they were calling me,” she remembers from that period.
As the years went by, those around her realized that this behavior was probably to do with an impairment.
And after consulting an audiologist, her family set her up with a pair of hearing aids that they’d bought online.
At the time, these seemed like a great, affordable option.
But their limitations became clear when Danayjah went to college, where she found it difficult to keep track of what her professors said in classes.
“I had those hearing aids for two years, and it was a struggle,” she says. “I’d usually have to take the work home and just teach myself.”
Things changed for Danayjah when she went to see Marcie at Jacobs Audiology. It wasn’t only her skills as a diagnostician that she valued but also her warm, friendly manner.
“I was attracted to her energy,” she says, thinking back to their first appointment. “She made me feel very comfortable, as I was nervous about our meeting.”
Marcie conducted tests, analyzed the results, and prescribed Danayjah with a new pair of hearing aids.
The first time she tried on the devices, equipped with a range of modern features, it felt like she had got a part of her life back.
“I loved them because I could hook them up to my phone,” she says. “All my life, I had it on speaker mode to take calls…and even when it was on speaker mode, I couldn’t really hear much.”
In addition, Marcie took Danayjah’s personal circumstances into account and offered her a remote mic accessory.
When clipped onto her professors’ clothing, this sent their voice straight to her hearing aids, meaning that she could catch every word they were saying.
Today, Danayjah can’t thank Marcie enough for her service.
“I really, really love her, and I would refer her to anybody that I meet,” she says.

‘Glad I received help from Jacobs Audiology’
In September 2008, Michael began to notice he had a hearing loss accompanied by tinnitus. He knew he needed help, but he says he was worried about “the cost” and whether hearing aids would “work in different environments.”
He soon booked an appointment with Jacobs Audiology in hopes of getting the answers he needed. The team was ready to help!
Michael says the team “listens to your concerns and works with you to optimize your hearing.” He adds, “I’m glad I received help from Jacobs Audiology.”
Following his comprehensive hearing assessment, Michael was prescribed hearing aids. From the moment his new devices were switched on, his hearing (and his life) changed for the better. “I understood a full conversation,” he recalls. “I was not hearing the word ‘frog’ when they said ‘dog.’ I could watch and listen to television shows.”
Michael believes the Jacobs Audiology team “saved my marriage.” He rates the office a 10/10, saying, “Being able to communicate with loved ones is indeed a blessing.”
Michael hopes others will make an appointment sooner than later. “I would highly recommend that they call Jacobs Audiology for an appointment,” he says.
- Michael C.

‘They help keep you in the game of life’
Peter recalls his surprise when he learned his hearing loss was obvious to others.
He shares, “I was struggling to hear an instructor speaking in a classroom. Hearing loss makes you wonder why people don’t speak a little louder. The instructor talked to me after class and said, ‘I could tell you were having a hard time hearing me.’ I didn’t know that it showed.”
Peter had visited other audiologists prior to turning to Jacobs Audiology for help. “I could sense Marcie’s concern for me as a patient and her determination to find the right hearing aid solution and fitting,” he says. Peter adds that he really liked, and continues to appreciate, “Marcie’s passion and enthusiasm toward working with me.”
As for the hearing devices Marcie prescribed for him, Peter notes, “They help keep you in the game of life.”
He rates Jacobs Audiology a 10/10 and advises others, “Do yourself a favor and visit them. You will be glad you did.”
- Peter T.

‘She made me very comfortable’
Cynthia was frustrated. Something just wasn’t right.
“I didn’t understand what was going on until I noticed that I wasn’t hearing clearly,” she says. “I was nervous because I didn’t know how to go about getting hearing aids.”
Following her first appointment with Jacobs Audiology, Cynthia felt much better. She says Marcie “talked to me like she was talking to a good friend or a sister, so she made me very comfortable.”
Cynthia was prescribed hearing aids. She is still getting used to them but says Marcie “made sure that I was hearing her and hearing around us before I left the office.”
Rating Jacobs Audiology a 10/10, Cynthia says she would tell potential patients that Marcie will “make you feel very comfortable.”
- Cynthia T.

‘I heard a ton of new sounds’
Kirsten says she learned about her hearing loss “when I didn’t pass an audiology exam after thyroid surgery.”
It didn’t take long for her anxiety to kick in. “I was worried about the cost. I was worried that my hearing would get worse after wearing hearing aids. I was worried what people might think, as I am only 51 years old,” she recalls.
Kirsten felt much better about her situation following her first appointment with Jacobs Audiology. She says, “Marcie is super sweet and young herself. She also wears hearing aids, so she is familiar with all of the things that I was worried about. She was able to explain to me what type of hearing loss I have and how it impacts my life.”
Kirsten says there are other things about Jacobs Audiology she really likes, such as “the ease of booking an appointment, getting a hearing test, choosing the hearing aids, buying the hearing aids, and learning how to use the hearing aids.”
According to Kirsten, the devices Marcie prescribed have “impacted my life for the better!” She continues, “The minute she put them in and turned them on, I cried! I didn’t have to struggle to understand what people were saying to me!
“When I drove home from the appointment that day, I heard a ton of new sounds. The blinkers in the car make a sound; the windshield wipers in the car make a sound; when I scratch my head with my fingertips, it makes a sound; when the wind blows, the leaves rustling together make a sound; I learned my singing voice isn’t as pretty as I thought it was…”
Kirsten rates Jacobs Audiology a 10/10. To anyone considering an appointment, she advises, “Please get your hearing checked. It is painless. There are budget options for hearing aids, and many types of insurance will pay for some of the cost depending on your plan and deductible. Marcie also offers payment plans.”
- Kirsten R.

‘I became very aware that I might not wake up one day’
Like many others, Andrew delayed seeing a specialist about his hearing loss for many decades. Except, it wasn’t until 2019 that he had a life-changing epiphany that possibly saved his life.
Having worked for 26 years in naval aviation, Andrew’s hearing has been subjected to the turbulent sound of the jet engines, meaning he was forced to retire due to hearing loss.
Although this would be a pivotal sign for many, it took Andrew several years before seeing a specialist and getting the delicate care he needed.
The Moment That Changed His Life
In the early 2000s, Andrew developed type 2 diabetes. It was at this point where he realized he was playing an incredibly dangerous game, fearing he might not hear his important alarms for his medication throughout the night.
He said, “When I go to sleep, I don’t hear the alarms. I can go very low or very high without even knowing.
“A friend of mine discovered that I could go as low as 30 glucose, which is when you start having seizures, and I would sleep right through it.
“At that point, I became very aware of the possibility that I might not wake up.”
Andrew did what many others would do – head straight to the internet. Following his research, he came across an organization called NEADS, which offers support for disabled veterans.
They reached out to Andrew, offering him a fellow companion, Champ, to aid him with his disability. It wasn’t long before the four-legged companion became Andrew’s best friend and, above all, hero.
“I’ve had Champ for about 4 months, and he’s saved my life about 30 times. It takes less than one second for him to hear the alarm and wake me up.
“His skills as a hearing dog give me more capability than anyone without a hearing dog.
“I can’t lose things; he won’t let me. If I drop my keys, he will pick them up and hand them straight to me.”
Not only is champ an aided assistant, but in times of isolation, he is much more than a service dog, he is a companion.
During the pandemic, Champ has acted as wonderful company to Andrew, who has been isolating for the past year.
“Quarantining does affect me; I was lying in bed feeling sorry for myself and he came running up to me to put his nose right against mine with his two eyes looking at me, to make me feel better.”
His Hearing Aid Fitting
After coming to terms with his disability, this initiated a change in Andrew, where he decided it was time to visit a specialist and came across Jacobs Audiology. Since having his hearing aids fitted, his life has changed drastically.
“I really appreciated the fact that Randi listens to what I have to say. She takes what she hears and applies it methodically and thoroughly to either identifying the right hearing aid or repairing the hearing aids I have.
“It’s clear that Randi had nothing else to pay attention to except me. There’s not a line of people waiting outside, I could go straight in. There’s only one thing she’s focused on, my hearing.”
Champ came along with him for his hearing aid fitting and became Jacob’s Audiology’s newest family member. We loved meeting them both and look forward to their visits!
Andrew encourages others in his position to reach out and get the help they deserve before it’s too late.
“I delayed getting help for a long, long time. It didn’t do me any good at all.
“If you’re going to get hearing aids, get them now. You’re going to enjoy your world better and hear an array of sounds. It’s so much easier to communicate with others.”
- Andrew
‘Really listened to my needs’
David was in denial that he had a hearing loss. However, his hearing challenges were crystal clear to his wife, and she wasn’t about to give up on David. “My wife was on me every day to have my hearing checked,” he recalls.
Finally, David made an appointment with Jacobs Audiology despite being worried about whether the hearing aids would work. His apprehensions were soon put to rest. “Marcie Jacobs was very professional and put my wife and me at ease. She really listened to my needs,” he shares.
David says he was especially impressed with Marcie’s “good sense of humor, accessibility, and professionalism.” He adds, “She was willing to go the extra mile to meet my needs and expectations.”
David’s new hearing aids have been a great success. “They have reduced friction and improved communication with my wife and children,” he notes. “Also, I can hear the TV a lot better.”
Rating Jacobs Audiology a 10/10, David advises potential patients, “Go in with an open mind and have your hearing tested.”
- David D.
‘A part of life again’
Larry came to Jacobs Audiology as a seasoned hearing aid wearer. However, he hadn’t forgotten how his hearing difficulties started gradually and says that “it felt very embarrassing” at the time.
He notes, “I was referred to Ms. Jacobs, who is very patient and an expert! Ms. Jacobs is so nice and helpful.”
Larry is extremely grateful for his hearing aids. “I can’t hear much without them!” he says. “Hearing aids help me be a part of life again.”
Larry plans to continue his hearing care with Jacobs Audiology, whom he rates a 10/10. He says, “Getting tested and getting help are just as necessary for hearing as any health problem. Jacobs Audiology is taking great care of me and my hearing aids.”
- Larry
‘I like how they listen to you’
Diane was in her early 40s when she realized she had a hearing loss.
She’s been very satisfied with the care she’s received from Jacobs Audiology over the years, saying they are “very friendly, professional, and knowledgeable.”
Diane rates Jacobs Audiology a 10/10, saying, “It’s a great place to go. I like how they listen to you and answer any questions you may have.”
- Diane
‘They have improved my hearing a lot’
Crystal’s children approached her about her hearing loss. She says, “I knew my hearing was getting bad as I grew older but didn’t realize it had gotten so bad.”
This revelation prompted Crystal to make an appointment with Jacobs Audiology. Recalling her first visit, Crystal says, “Marcie was kind, patient, funny, and very helpful. It helps to have someone who is kind, patient, and understands what it’s like to be hearing impaired, as she also wears hearing aids.”
Following Crystal’s comprehensive hearing assessment, hearing aids were prescribed according to her individual needs. Referring to her devices, Crystal says, “They have improved my hearing a lot. It’s different, but it’s an improvement.”
Rating Jacobs Audiology a 10/10, Crystal advises potential patients, “Have your hearing tested. It’s hard to live in the world and not be able to hear properly. It’s very frustrating and you tend to isolate yourself to avoid people. Marcie helped me so much to understand my hearing aids and that things are going to be different, but you will become adjusted to hearing in a different way.”
- Crystal G.
‘Professional, knowledgeable, and friendly’
Jini shares that she’s had hearing challenges since “I was a child and heard things differently than others.”
Prior to her appointment at Jacobs Audiology, Jini says she was concerned about her “hearing not being as good as expected or hoped” and worried that hearing aids wouldn’t be comfortable.
During her visit, Jini thought the team was “professional, knowledgeable, and friendly.” Following her comprehensive hearing assessment, hearing aids were prescribed.
Jini has noticed an improvement in her hearing, but she is still struggling in general. “They help but cause much anxiety. I still do not hear voices well but much better. Music is not good at all,” she states.
Rating Jacobs Audiology a 9/10, Jini advises others, “Talk to the audiologist and be realistic about what aids can and cannot do.”
- Jane B.
‘Don’t put it off any longer’
Deborah shares that her hearing loss was gradual. “I was always asking my family members to speak louder so I could hear them. I finally realized I really needed to get my hearing checked. I did, and I’m so thankful,” she says.
Following her comprehensive hearing assessment, Deborah was prescribed hearing aids. Her new devices have drastically improved her hearing ability. She explains, “Oh, my gosh. I can hear so much better now. I can hear the birds sing, the rustling of leaves, bacon sizzling. And most importantly, my loved ones. It’s wonderful. I had been missing so many sounds.”
Deborah rates Jacobs Audiology a 10/10. To those considering an appointment, she says, “Don’t put it off any longer. It is not going to get any better on its own. Who better than Marcie and her team to help you regain your hearing? So, don’t delay, call today! Everyone there is kind, compassionate, and caring. They always treat me like family!”
- Deborah
‘You will be in good caring hands’
Joe gained a better understanding of his hearing challenges during his appointment at Jacobs Audiology.
Upon realizing he had tinnitus, followed by a few appointments with his doctor, Joe came to Jacobs Audiology for an exam. “That’s when I learned that I had suffered some hearing loss although I had suspected it for a long time,” he shares.
Prior to his appointment, Joe had one concern weighing on his mind. “My fear was that if I needed hearing aids, I would be seen by the world as an ‘old’ person,” he says.
However, Joe soon felt better about his hearing, thanks to Jacobs Audiology’s positive approach toward hearing care. He says he liked the “bubbly, friendly, and professional” team. Joe adds, “Marcie was my first and lasting positive impression.”
Once Joe’s hearing challenges were identified, he was prescribed hearing aids, with which he is delighted. “I can hear better, both at work and at home,” he notes.
Rating Jacobs Audiology a 10/10, Joe tells potential patients, “You will be in good caring hands. They are always available to provide assistance and support.”
- Joe
‘Jacobs Audiology is very good’
When Susan visited Jacobs Audiology to get her hearing checked, she says the team was “very professional,” and she really liked “the staff.”
Following her comprehensive hearing assessment, it was determined that Susan does not need hearing aids yet.
She rates Jacobs Audiology a 10/10, saying, “Jacobs Audiology is very good.”
- Susan
‘Get it checked out’
John had noticed his hearing loss for a few years. He says he eventually “thought it was time to get it checked.”
His first impression of the team was that Rikki and Jessica are “good folks – very friendly.”
Following his comprehensive hearing assessment, John was prescribed hearing aids. With his new devices, he says, “Things are more interesting.”
John rates Jacobs Audiology an 8/10. To anyone concerned about their hearing, he says, “Get it checked out, and go see the folks at Jacobs Audiology. I actually had fun at the appointments.”
- John
‘I feel like I’m part of the group again’
Before James had his hearing loss treated, he found that social situations were becoming less sociable for him.
He recalls, “In places like a restaurant or bar, I could not follow the conversation. I got tired of saying ‘What?’ and would just sit there feeling left out.”
James came to Jacobs Audiology following a recommendation from his primary care doctor. He was impressed with them from the beginning. He notes that the team was “very friendly and really wanted to help me.”
Once his comprehensive hearing assessment was completed, James was prescribed hearing aids. With his devices, he says, “I feel like I’m part of the group again.”
James gives Jacobs Audiology a 10/10 rating. To potential patients, he says, “Definitely go in and talk to them. They are very knowledgeable and low pressure.
They are friendly, knowledgeable, and just want to help you.”
- James G.
‘Don’t put this off’
Pat says she became concerned about her hearing “when I had to ask people to repeat themselves, and doubly when I moved to live with my daughter and could not hear what they said to me.”
Pat’s doctor referred her to Jacobs Audiology, and she says, “I came to Jacobs with open arms for help!”
Recalling her first appointment, Pat shares, “I thought they were very professional and knew what they were doing. They explained everything so I understood.”
Pat is thrilled with her new devices. “Being able to hear what is going on is great. I have an app on my phone that I can use in crowded, noisy places and it works,” she says.
Giving Jacobs Audiology a 10/10 rating, Pat highly recommends them to others. She says, “Don’t wait any longer to improve your life. There are several plans and hearing aids available, so don’t put this off. Marcie Jacobs is the best thing there. She is knowledgeable and can answer all concerns and questions. You can reach her by phone or email, and she can sometimes help you to change settings over the internet without an office visit.”
- Pat O.
‘Honest and caring’
Barbara was already a hearing aid wearer when she came to Jacobs Audiology.
“Hearing loss runs in my family, so I knew it was bound to affect me,” she says. “I was referred to Jacobs Audiology after my original provider closed down.”
Barbara is happy that the change in her providers has been a positive experience. She says she finally found “someone who respected and really cared about me.” Barbara adds, “Jacobs Audiology is so honest and caring; they put your interest first.” She also likes their “accessibility.”
Thankful for her devices, she shares, “Obviously, they have made it possible to integrate into all environments.”
Barbara rates Jacobs Audiology a 10/10.
- Barbara M.
‘The only audiologist you’ll have to visit’
Joe’s hearing loss was most obvious to him while driving.
He says, “When driving a car, I had a difficult time hearing my wife’s part of our conversations. Come to find out, my hearing loss was in my right ear, and my wife was always sitting on my right. And she was getting annoyed with having to repeat everything!”
Prior to visiting Jacobs Audiology, Joe says he felt uncomfortable “giving in to old age.” However, he continues, “My first visit to Jacobs Audiology laid all my fears to rest. They are very congenial and easy to talk to and relate to – never in a rush and always willing to answer any and all of my concerns.” He says he especially likes the “availability to the patient.”
Joe is happy with the hearing aids he was prescribed. He says they “removed my asking for speakers to repeat the question or remark.”
Rating Jacobs Audiology a 10/10, he says they are “the only audiologist you’ll have to visit.”
- Joe N.
‘Hearing is much better’
As it often is for many patients, George’s hearing loss was gradual. Although he knew his hearing was no longer perfect, George says he had concerns about wearing hearing aids, mainly “how it might look and cost.” Once he visited an ENT, he says, “I had accepted that I needed hearing aids.”
George made an appointment with Jacobs Audiology to find out how they could help him. At this visit, he says he found them to be “low key, not a big marketing outfit looking to move you through as quickly and profitably as possible.” George also describes the team as “informal, accessible people; ready to help you find the product.”
Now that George decided to seek treatment with hearing aids, he says his “hearing is much better; I’m hearing words I was missing before.”
Rating Jacobs Audiology a 10/10, George advises others, “Go talk with them. You won’t get a high pressure—or any pressure – sales job.”
- George K.
‘Attentive to my needs’
Fern made an appointment with Jacobs Audiology following her ENT’s retirement.
Impressed with what she found, she says, “I thought Marcie was attentive to my needs.” According to Fern, there’s one other positive point she appreciates. “Usually, I don’t have a long wait for appointments,” she notes.
Fern says hearing aids have had a “big impact” on her life. She can hear better and doesn’t have to ask others “What did you say?” very often anymore.
Rating Jacobs Audiology a 10/10, Fern advises potential patients, “Give Jacobs Audiology a try.”
- Fern B.
‘Flexible and accommodating’
When Charlie realized his hearing had gradually changed, he decided to visit Jacobs Audiology.
He says the team was “friendly and caring” as well as “flexible and accommodating.”
At his appointment, Charlie shared his hearing concerns with his audiologist before taking a few hearing tests. With his results available soon after, Charlie was prescribed hearing aids based on his individual needs.
Charlie says he can participate “in more conversations now,” and he really likes the Bluetooth features.
He rates Jacobs Audiology a 10/10 and says to potential patients, “Get checked by a professional; I would suggest Jacobs Audiology.”
- Charlie K.
‘Just do it!’
LeRoy says he became concerned about his hearing when “voices on certain words sounded muffled.”
Despite his worries about wearing hearing aids, LeRoy turned to Jacobs Audiology for help.
Throughout his appointment, LeRoy says he felt his audiologist was “professional and concerned about my hearing.” Following his comprehensive hearing assessment, LeRoy learned that he doesn’t need hearing aids after all.
He rates Jacobs Audiology a 10/10 and encourages others to make an appointment, saying it is “so easy” and “Just do it!”
- LeRoy
‘Don’t wait’
Social situations were becoming uncomfortable for William.
He says, “I couldn’t hear clearly in crowds, and it left me embarrassed.” However, his desire to live a sociable life led him to Jacobs Audiology. Prior to his appointment, he says he felt “worried about an uncomfortable feeling when placing a device in my ear.”
At his appointment, he says he was happy to meet a personable team who “values the patient’s feelings.” After his comprehensive hearing assessment, hearing aids were prescribed.
Thanks to his new devices, William says, “I am now able to sit in meetings without asking others to repeat their comments. This is a very normal feeling for most, but I had lost that sense of confidence. I no longer feel like I am annoying people.”
William rates Jacobs Audiology a 10/10 and hopes others will give them a try. “Contact them today. Don’t wait,” he suggests.
- William C.
‘I feel like I am truly a lot more social and aware of what is going on around me’ – Erin’s story
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Whether you have a question, a concern or would like to speak to me to discuss any challenges that you may be facing, then I am here for you.
There is no such thing as a silly question.
Simply complete this form and when I’m available between appointments, I’ll call you back for a friendly no-obligation conversation.
Bowie, MD 301-860-1124
Southern Maryland 410-535-0024
Waldorf, MD 410-535-0024