Our insurance specialists know how to navigate the health insurance terrain of various insurance providers and coverages to ensure that you receive what you’re entitled to.

Navigating Medicare Coverage With Jacobs Audiology: Enhancing Your Hearing Health Experience

by | Jun 27, 2023 | Insurance, Patient Resources

Living with a hearing impairment can be challenging, but obtaining the necessary assistance should not be. Jacobs Audiology is committed to providing comprehensive audiological care in Maryland, bringing the world of sound back to those who need it most. 

The health of your ears is invaluable, and our team is devoted to ensuring you receive the care you need and deserve. 

One question we frequently encounter is

Does Medicare cover hearing aids?

We understand that navigating the world of insurance coverage can be complex and daunting. 

This is why we have dedicated insurance specialists on our team who can handle this for you, guiding you through your Medicare policy and helping you understand your coverage. 

Medicare Hearing Aid Coverage

Medicare’s coverage for hearing aids and related services isn’t straightforward.

While it does not typically cover hearing aids and exams for fitting them, some Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans may offer coverage for hearing aids and fitting examinations.

The extent of this coverage can vary greatly between each plan, and it’s essential to review your specific policy details. 

Our team at Jacobs Audiology is ready and able to assist with this process. By letting our insurance specialists manage your policy review, you can focus on your journey to improved hearing health, rather than being bogged down with insurance jargon and paperwork. 

Eligibility for Coverage

For your hearing aid to qualify for coverage under Medicare, there are certain eligibility criteria that must be met: 

  1. An audiogram, sound field speech audiometry, or equivalent test results certified by a licensed audiologist, ENT doctor, or otologist must be presented. 
  2. You must provide written documentation from a licensed audiologist, ENT doctor, or otologist recommending hearing aids. 
  3. The purchase and fitting of hearing aids must occur within six months from the date of the written recommendation. 

Furthermore, only certain healthcare providers, including licensed audiologists, ENTs, and otologists, are allowed to bill your insurance for hearing aids and related services. 

Insurance Specialist Services

At Jacobs Audiology, we strive to provide an all-inclusive service that puts your needs first. Our insurance specialists understand the complexities of Medicare policies, and they can help you figure out your coverage, deductible, and extents/limits of coverage.

They can ensure that if your hearing aids are covered, you will receive the financial assistance to which you’re entitled. 

Moreover, our insurance specialists can help you determine if the costs associated with hearing aids, necessary visits to the audiologist, and hearing aid batteries are recognized as valid tax deductions by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). 

Helping You Make the Most of Your Medicare Coverage

Understanding and navigating Medicare coverage for hearing aids can be confusing. At Jacobs Audiology, we’re dedicated to helping you understand your Medicare policy and will advocate for your needs. 

Our team is deeply committed to ensuring that all who can benefit from hearing aids have access to them. Don’t let the worry of insurance coverage stand in the way of your hearing health. 

Contact us today at our Bowie, Southern Maryland, or Waldorf locations, or check your health insurance coverage for hearing aids. 

Allow us to do the heavy lifting for you and assist you in your journey toward better hearing health. Jacobs Audiology is your partner in sound, supporting you every step of the way. 

check my medicare coverage now!

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Marcie Jacobs, M.A., F-AAA

Marcie Jacobs has extensive experience in the field of Audiology. She became an audiologist over 25 years ago and has practiced in Southern Maryland and Prince Georges County. Jacobs Audiology was founded in 2011 with the philosophy of providing superior hearing health care for their patients. Her unique combination of empathy and energy result in excellent patient care. Marcie Jacobs obtained her Master of Science degree in Audiology from the University of Maryland in 1991.

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    Bowie, MD 301-860-1124
    Southern MD 410-535-0024
    Waldorf, MD 410-535-0024

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