She made me feel very comfortable, as I was nervous about our meeting.

Know Somebody Considering Treating Their Hearing? | How Our Patients Got Help

by | Sep 27, 2023 | Hearing Loss, Patient Resources

If you’ve found this blog, either you or a loved one is looking for support to start the hearing care journey.

It’s a huge first step!

We know that one of the biggest challenges is taking that next step of being formally diagnosed, which can seem overwhelming when there’s a wealth of information online about what options are out there for you.

Although we’re on hand to give you professional advice and support, we thought you should hear real stories from some of our patients about why they decided to start the journey to better hearing and how that decision affected their lives.

Andrew’s story

“I became very aware of the possibility that I might not wake up.”

Andrew was suffering from hearing loss for decades before reaching an important decision that possibly saved his life.

With an extensive career in naval aviation, Andrew was subjected to a host of loud noises, which caused hearing loss that ended his career. Despite this warning sign, it took a scary wake-up call for Andrew to realize he needed care.

In the early 2000s, Andrew was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, requiring him to wake up throughout the night to take his medication. Struggling to wake up at the sound of his alarms, Andrew realized his hearing loss could have fatal repercussions if he continued to ignore it.

After coming to terms with his disability, Andrew visited Jacobs Audiology to have his hearing aids fitted—and his quality of life has improved dramatically since!

“If you’re going to get hearing aids, get them now. You’re going to enjoy your world better and hear an array of sounds. It’s so much easier to communicate with others.”

Danayjah’s Story

“She made me feel very comfortable, as I was nervous about our meeting.”

Danayjah had struggled with hearing loss since elementary school. She recalls being fitted with hearing aids at a young age, which seemed like the right option at the time, but Danayjah struggled when she attended college and couldn’t hear what her professors were saying.

Danayjah decided to meet with Marcie here at Jacobs Audiology and notes how warm, welcoming, and knowledgeable Marcie was. After numerous tests, Marcie prescribed a new pair of hearing aids for Danayjah, who says,

“I loved them because I could hook them up to my phone.”

Marcie also helped when it came to Danayjah’s education, providing her with a small microphone accessory her professors could wear to ensure she didn’t miss anything else in class!

What Are the Roadblocks to Better Hearing?

Hearing loss commonly worsens when left untreated, but many people are reluctant to reach out for the help and support they need.

Why is this?

Well, firstly, the stigma surrounding hearing aids. We tend to have an outdated view of what it means to wear hearing aids and probably have a very old-fashioned-looking contraption in mind when we think about it.

That’s not the case anymore! Sitting just behind your ear and with color-matching to your skin and hair available, a lot of hearing aids can be very discreet.

Why not book an appointment and take a look for yourself?

Secondly, it’s no secret that healthcare of any kind is an investment. And hearing care is no exception! But we believe in the utmost importance of ongoing hearing care and we would be more than happy to find a solution that suits you, your lifestyle, and your budget.

Here at Jacobs Audiology, we are trusted by thousands of local people, families, and physicians and we provide a caring and compassionate hub for our patients. We encourage you to take your next step today by requesting a callback or reaching out to our Bowie, Southern Maryland, or Waldorf clinic today!

Bowie, MD: (301) 860-1124
Southern Maryland: (410) 535-0024
Waldorf, MD: (410) 535-0024

take the next step today

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Jacobs Audiology

Caring, Compassionate, and Local Audiological Care in Maryland

    Request a Callback

    Don’t want to wait? Call us at:
    Bowie, MD 301-860-1124
    Southern MD 410-535-0024
    Waldorf, MD 410-535-0024

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