At first, the patients think it’s their hearing aids that have issues, but it’s not a case of device failure.

Troubleshooting Hearing Aids: Sound Quality Issues On iPhone 12

by | Dec 17, 2020 | Hearing Aid Repairs, Hearing Aids, Patient Resources, Technology, Troubleshooting

Digital hearing devices have greatly improved the lives of people with hearing challenges.

For instance, Made for iPhone hearing aids make it possible for users to link them to their iPhone using Bluetooth.

As a result, they can stream audio, answer phone calls, among other incredible hearing enhancements that make life easy for them.

However, technology is never without its share of challenges.

As a matter of fact, a good number of my consultations involve troubleshooting hearing aids for our patients.

The most common hearing aid problems usually involve sound – no sound, uncomfortable sound, whistling, and wearing discomfort.

Sound Quality Issues On iPhone 12

For instance, I’ve received frequent complaints from some of our patients who have upgraded to Apple’s iPhone 12 models (iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Pro, and iPhone 12 Pro Max).

They report sound quality issues on their devices. Issues like interrupted and garbled audio, cutting of sound in one ear when they move their head, etc.

At first, the patients think it’s their hearing aids that have issues. But it’s not a case of device failure. Actually, all Made for iPhone brands (Oticon, Phonak, ReSound, Widex, etc.) are reportedly having the same sound issues.

We have long-established the problem is with the iPhone 12 models, and Apple did acknowledge the issue.

At the release, the phones were running on iOS 14, but users who were using the operating system on the earlier iPhone 11 model report to have had no sound issues.

So it appears to be an issue of model-software compatibility, which Apple promised to fix by updating the operating system to a higher version.

Users who updated their OS to 14.1 reported no breakthrough, but Apple promises the latest versions have eliminated the issue.

Actually, this support thread says that you can now fix the sound problem by updating your operating system to version 14.2.1 or later.

To run the update on your iPhone, visit this link and follow the steps provided.

However, if the issue persists, consult your audiologist to run a check on your hearing aids and perform some troubleshooting.

Do You Need An Audiologist?

Loss of hearing capabilities can be disruptive. However, your hearing loss should not continue alienating you more than it has already done.

If you or your loved ones have hearing challenges, we are here for you. We are committed to helping our patients overcome hearing and consequent communication challenges by fixing them with the latest hearing aids and support so that they can make the most out of their lives.

We serve our patients with the highest level of professionalism and integrity. And through our personalized care, you can rest assured your hearing health will be in good hands.

Whether you decide to pay us a visit for a one-on-one consultation or you opt for remote care, our team will offer the best care and support that sufficiently meet your needs.

Our support package is broad, covering troubleshooting, repairing, servicing, and cleaning the hearing aids.

If you have any questions or need troubleshooting help, do not hesitate to contact us.

Meanwhile, if you’re a new user, visit this resource for tips on how to care for your hearing devices.

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Marcie Jacobs, M.A., F-AAA

Marcie Jacobs has extensive experience in the field of Audiology. She became an audiologist over 25 years ago and has practiced in Southern Maryland and Prince Georges County. Jacobs Audiology was founded in 2011 with the philosophy of providing superior hearing health care for their patients. Her unique combination of empathy and energy result in excellent patient care. Marcie Jacobs obtained her Master of Science degree in Audiology from the University of Maryland in 1991.

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