Maintaining healthy levels of earwax is a huge part of good ear health, but quite often we don’t realize how much earwax is present until it becomes an issue. Too much earwax can lead to irritation in your ears, issues with your balance, headaches, and even hearing...
How Much Is Too Much Earwax?
We have all wanted to scratch the earwax out of our ear canal at one point or another, and many of us are guilty of using Q-Tips to try to get it out. One of the questions we often receive is: “Can a person have too much earwax?” Yes, and when that happens, Jacobs...
Five Most Common Ways To Remove Earwax
As humans, we produce earwax constantly throughout our lives. Despite its unappealing appearance and texture, it serves a significant role. Earwax is a natural substance used to trap foreign debris from entering your ears. It prevents unwanted bacteria and fungi from...